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Artificial Intelligence 101

First, we saw and heard about artificial intelligence in sci-fi movies or TV shows like “The Matrix” or “Avengers”. But today, AI is no longer just a fictional concept – it’s part of our everyday lives. We all have friends, colleagues or classmates who talk about AI and even use it in their work. Probably you do as well. But what exactly is AI, and what’s a perspective for the future?

In this blog, we’ll explore what AI is, where you might already be using it, and how it could impact our future.

What exactly is AI anyway?

Have you ever asked yourself, “What actually is AI?” when you heard or read about AI? If so, you’re in the right place. We’re here to break it down for you.

Basically, the term “Artificial Intelligence” refers to machines or computer systems that can perform tasks which usually require human intelligence. These tasks include generalized learning, reasoning, problem-solving and even languages understanding.

How does AI do it? AI is using a big amount of data and some really advanced algorithms, allowing these machines or programs to learn and perform tasks. Nowadays, the term “AI” is used to describe a wide range of different technologies, and there’s an ongoing debate about what actually counts as true AI. Some people argue that most of the technology we call AI is “only” highly advanced machine learning, which basically is the first step towards true artificial intelligence.

AI can be divided into two categories: Weak (or narrow) AI and Strong (or general) AI. Weak AI is designed to perform specific tasks and only operates within the limit of its programming. Strong AI, on the other hand, would have the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge like humans do. It would be capable of surpassing human intelligence and perform any kind of intellectual task that a human can, like Ultron in “Avengers” or the robot in the movie “I, Robot” with Will Smith. But for now, we’re mostly surrounded with weak AI.

Where have I used AI?

Artificial Intelligence is more present in our daily lives than many of us realize. If you use a smartphone, you’re probably familiar with virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant. Those AIs understand voice commands and provide relevant answers for you. Streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video use AI to recommend movies and TV shows based on your viewing habits. Also car companies like Tesla rely on AI technology for their self-driving cars. These examples are just a few ways AI is already part in our lives, showing how it can make our lives better and easier.

Opportunity or threat?

Now there is a lot of discussion going on wether AI is representing an opportunity or rather a threat to human beings.

AI offers a wide range of opportunities, from a huge boost in productivity to medical advancements. But of course there are also many dangers that come with it. The biggest fear people have is that uncontrollable self-aware artificial intelligence is taking over power, much like in the Terminator movies. But there are more imminent threats that are currently much more relevant, like privacy violations or deepfakes. With the possibility of creating fake images or videos with a few clicks, or imitating someones voice, there are numerous ways how to misuse AI.

So, like with almost all new inventions, when it comes to the question if it is a threat or opportunity, it is save to say: Both.

The Impact of AI on Interpretation and Translation

We have all found ourselves in a situation where we wanted to communicate with someone speaking a foreign language and didn’t understand every word. So, what did we do? We turned to translation tools like Google and Microsoft Translator or DeepL. If you used any of these tools a couple of years ago, the results were sometimes odd and didn’t make sense. However, AI has significantly changed this. Rather than doing a word-by- word translation, AI now translates entire phrases, understands context, grammar and idioms. It can even provide real-time translation, subtitles and more.

Artificial Intelligence is changing many industries, including the field of interpretation and translation. But what impact does it have on human interpreters? Although AI is making big progress, it won’t replace human interpreters in the near future. Their understanding for cultural knowledge, context and the tone of their voice still surpasses AI capabilities. Having said this, AI is developing quickly and it will be interesting to watch how it will develop in this field.

What we can say for sure: AI can and will serve as a helpful tool for handling easy translations, allowing human interpreters to focus on more complex tasks. AI can also be used to assist with first drafts of translation or to help understand technical terms.

Is AI the future?

While a few years ago, AI was easily dismissed as pure science fiction, it now plays an essential role in our day-to-day lives. AI has started to perform tasks that once seemed impossible, and it will continue to advance at a very fast pace. Have you ever wondered if AI might steal your job someday? Scott Galloway, a marketing professor at NYU Stern School of Business, has a pretty interesting take on this. He says, “AI will not take away your job; a person who understands AI will”. We know this might sounds a little tough to hear at first, but it makes sense.

Just think about technologies like the computer, the smartphone, or the internet and how fundamental they are in our daily lives. We couldn’t imagine life and work without them now, right? Everyone had to adapt to keep up with the time. But we shouldn’t be afraid of it; rather, we should embrace it and use this helpful tool to make our lives better and easier.

The CEO of Microsoft AI, Mustafa Suleyman, provides an interesting description of AI, comparing it to a “new digital species” that could become a digital companion or a new partner in our lives. AI holds a promising future, and our goal should be to understand AIs capabilities and its impact so we can navigate this evolving landscape effectively.

We as LiveVoice see AI as a great opportunity to make our tool even better and to add new, exciting features. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and new releases in our next blog posts.

Use Case

Simultaneous Interpretation

Smart live interpretation system for on-site, virtual and hybrid events. Translators and listeners can be located anywhere in the world.


Lukas Plötz

Customer Success Manager

Lukas studied International Management and Business, and is a Customer Success Manager for LiveVoice. He is passionate about investment and technology, loves to travel, and enjoys spending time with his friends.