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Live transcripts: AI support for interpreters

Interpreters: Get support during an event from the LiveVoice AI assistant!

How can interpreters use AI for their work? We have discussed this matter already in this article to show different tools that can help interpreters in their preparation before an event.

Now the big question is: How can AI, rather than replacing interpreters, help them during their assignment? For written translation AI has already been of great help for quite some time. Translation tools can do the first part of the job, translating a text roughly, saving a lot of time for the translator. The human translator can then do the fine-tuning.

For oral interpretation this is a bit more tricky, as there is no way to “share” the task. Well, maybe there is!

With the LiveVoice AI assistant 1.0, we are introducing live subtitles of the original language, so interpreters have the spoken words displayed in front of them. In this way interpreters could easily read any parts they might have missed or look up numbers or special terms that have been mentioned.



As this transcript is provided in real time, interpreters are given a second chance in case they have failed to hear something. In order to see the subtitles, you just need to click to open the right side bar with the transcript.

This feature is an option the event admin has to activate and book. If you want to use it, we recommend you get in touch with the event organizer.

By the way: The same subtitles can be displayed to the audience on their phones, which helps events to become more accessible and inclusive.

Of course there is even much more possible with AI powered tools, so this is only the first step in our effort to help and support interpreters in their job with AI. More to come!

Use Case

Simultaneous Interpretation

Smart live interpretation system for on-site, virtual and hybrid events. Translators and listeners can be located anywhere in the world.


Johannes Wigand

CEO & Co-Founder

Johannes is passionate for communications, servant leadership and tech. He is married and has three kids, loves being in the wonderful Salzburg mountains and is excited how LiveVoice has already helped thousands of people around the globe.